Concerned Raised Over Safety Of Lisvernane Bridge


Members of the wider Aherlow  community have expressed concerns about the safety of the bridge at Lisvernane.

A wall at the edge of the bridge may have been damaged by passing large vehicles and drivers are now exposed to a 25 foot drop if they leave the roadway.

The bridge crosses over to a cul de sac where 5 families live but also provides access to a number of looped walking trails in a Coillte forest.

TMWR understands that council staff are working on site today to deliver a temporary safety measure to ensure that vehicles do not drive too close to the unprotected edge of the roadway.

Tipperary County council has secured funding for the design and construction of improvements to the bridge to make it safe for the size and volume of vehicles on the road but it will be some time before this work can be undertaken.

Local resident Virgine Muller Feuga says residents are very concerned about becoming cut off unless action is taken immediately.