The first day of industrial action by members of the Medical Laboratory and Scientists Association planned for March 30th has been deferred as talks are to resume with the Government.
The staff involved work in public sector hospitals and laboratories and had planned a twelve hour stoppage on Wednesday 30th March.
The MLSA balloted public sector members in late 2021 and there was a 98% vote in favour of industrial action.
In its 60-year history the MLSA has only once taken full industrial action and that was in 1969.
The Medical Scientists’ dispute dates back to 2002 and involves a claim for restoration of pay parity with scientific colleagues who work in Biochemistry Laboratories.
Parity was awarded in 2001 following an Expert Group Report, but was lost due to an unintentional procedural effect of the 2002 benchmarking process.
The pay and career development issues are seen to be contributing factors to 20% of Medical Scientist posts in Ireland being vacant.
1,800 Medical Scientists employed in public voluntary hospitals, HSE hospitals, private hospitals and the Irish Blood Transfusion Service are involved in the dispute.