Quarry Safety Inspections to Begin Today


The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) will carry out a two week quarry safety inspection campaign beginning today (Monday).

The focus of the campaign is on safe machinery operation, machinery guarding and maintenance activities.

There are approximately 500 quarry developments operating throughout Ireland, with two main types of quarry activity taking place – rock quarries and sand and gravel pit quarries – both of which use heavy and large machinery.

In the ten year period 2012-2021, quarrying, mining and associated manufacturing activities in the industry accounted for 10 work-related fatalities in Ireland.

HSA inspectors will be focusing on they key hazards that exist when operating quarry machinery or while carrying out maintenance in quarries.

Inspectors will also focus on ensuring that safe work practices and proactive measures are in place to reduce the risk of incidents, including serious or fatal injury.

During this campaign, HSA inspectors will be providing information, advice, and making employers aware of resources to help them reduce the risk of incidents involving machinery, particularly during machinery maintenance.