Council Accused of Dictating How Taskforce Operates.

March4Tipp Group Threaten Gridlock on N24


The March 4 Tipp group has confirmed that they will engage in a campaign of traffic disruption on the N24, Tipperary town, on February 22nd next.

In a statement, the group accused the council of having undue control of the Vision and Action Plan or taskforce for Tipperary town and of dictating its own solution.

The planned campaign, referred to by the group as ‘N24 Gridlock’ was deferred just before Christmas as an act of good faith to allow the County CEO Joe McGrath to respond to a list of proposals the group had for the town.

They say that Mr McGrath has still not responded to their correspondence; something they claim has further eroded their faith in him and in the local authority.

While calling for the taskforce for the town to be independently-led they have also accused the council of not listening to the people of the town and of pressing ahead with projects that do not have the support of the public.

The go-slow campaign will involve people driving cars and other vehicles slowly in both directions on the N24 locally.

Pedestrian participants will also use the various pedestrian crossings to have an impact on the ability of traffic to move through the town.

Making the announcement, the group claims that both of these activities are entirely legal.