Minister Helen Mcentee met represantatives of Mount Sion Tipperary

A meeting between representatives of the Mount Sion centre in Tipperary town and the Minister with responsibility for mental health this week ‘went very well’, according to the Friends of Mount Sion today.
It emerged a number of months ago that the HSE was considering the closure of the centre due to concerns about fire safety issues there.
However, th

On Wednesday, Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People, Helen McEntee met with representatives of the Tipperary town centre.
According to Martin Quinn who was among that delegation, the meeting was largely a listening exercise to allow the minister to become more familiar with the case.
He also said that there was positive engagement, in sofar as the Minister said that she would go back to the HSE to see if there was room for manoeuvre in terms of the executive’s plans for the centre.