Gardaí target drivers using mobile phones


Garda plan to maintain a large presence on the country’s roads tomorrow and Friday as they target motorists using mobile phones. 

The two day operation is in response to the detection of nearly 10,000 drivers who have been caught using  amobile phone so far this year.

Garda will focus on the enforcement of relevant legislation over the two days. They are reminding motorists that making that call or holding the phone will result in 2 penalty points and €60 fine payable within 28 days. 

53 drivers were also arrested on suspicion of drink driving over the Easter weekend.

Concern has been raised at the driving habits exhibited in Co Tipperary.  The county has the highest number of road deaths so far this year on a county-by-county basis.

12 people have already lost their lives on the roads in County
Tipperary in 2014.