Employee linked to shooting in U.S.


A county Tipperary man who was shot dead in the U.S. may have been shot by a disgruntled former employee.

Tom Walsh from Tipperary was shot dead as he was closing up the restaurant he was managing on night in March of this year.

It was believed at the time that he was a victim of a robbery, as the nights profits were taken during the incident which happened at Daytona Beach in Florida.

U.S. police now believe that a former employee, who was recently involved in a double suicide may be linked to the case.

James Seagreaves and his girlfriend Kayla Nemoto died after apparently commiting suicide following a stand off with police as they attemped to serve him with a warrant.

Mr Seagreaves had been fired by Mr. Walsh two years ago and it is being considered that he may have sought to take revenge. He is also believed to have committed a number of robberies in the area where Mr Walshe was killed.

The County Tipperary’s man’s family now want to know if background checks were carried out on Mr. Seagreaves before the restaurant hired him