Info Clinic At Excel Centre On Availing Of Health Service In Belfast


An information clinic is ongoing in the Tipperary Excel Centre today in respect of the opportunity to avail of health services in Belfast.

The clinic will run until 1pm and  is in respect of the Sightsaver Bus service organised by local man John O’Heney.

Staff from the Kingsbridge Health Care Group are on hand to provide information about the scheme  and to book initial clinical consultations.

A wide range of health care services are covered by the scheme which is run in collaboration with the HSE including cataracts, hip and knee surgery amongst others.

The aim is to provide access to health care sooner than public waiting lists allow – patients pay for the service and are later refunded by the HSE.

The hospital manages the necessary paperwork – patients may have some small additional costs that are not covered including possibly interest on loans taken out to make the initial service payment.

For further information – email [email protected]