Housing Policy To Be Debated At Tipperary County Councils April Plenary Meeting


Housing policy is to be debated at the April Plenary meeting of Tipperary County Council.

Independent Councillor Seamus Morris is submitting a motion that calls on the Minister for Housing  to declare housing to be an emergency so that the state can bring in emergency legislation similar to the legislation ( Temporary protection directive ) used to house displaced  Ukrainian refugees in Ireland.

Cllr Morris says despite the best efforts of the council housing staff, the housing situation is desperate for both social housing and private housing and adds that the 4 stage process for Social Housing delivery is just too slow.

The motion also asks for consideration to be given to other ways of delivering housing including using modular housing and for an easing of the “local need” planning condition which he says is restricting people in rural Ireland housing themselves on family sites. 

During a Dail debate on a planning matter last week Minister for State on behalf of Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien clarified that “National planning policy, guidelines and legislation do not dictate the types of material that must be used for housing. Accordingly, there is no prohibition on the use of timber in the construction of a house from a planning perspective, subject to the overall proposal for planning permission being in accordance with national, regional and local planning policy. Nor are there restrictions under the planning code on any person to apply for planning permission in respect of modular or log cabin-type accommodation. Furthermore, a range of factors have to be taken into account in the assessment of proposals for all forms of housing, including modular housing or log cabins, for example, requirements for access, car parking and amenity space as well as separate services such as water, drainage and electricity. It must also be noted that such proposals may also have implications for neighbouring properties and the visual amenity and character of the area, which must also be taken into consideration in the determination of a planning application.”