Over 80% Co. Tipp People Intend To Donate To Charity This Christmas


Over 80% of people in Tipperary intend to donate to charity this Christmas according to the Charity Regulator survey.

However, four in ten people will donate less this Christmas due to cost of living concerns.

The survey reveals that cash is king with donors most likely to give money while loyalty and local are important to people in the Premier County.

For the second year in a row, the survey found that, nationally, women are more likely to donate than men, (57% versus 43%).

Donors are also more likely to be older.

People want to know how their donations are used and see evidence of what has been achieved using their donations.

They can check a charity is registered and find basic information on its finances and activities at checkacharity.ie.”

The 2023 survey was conducted online with a nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults in Ireland from 15 – 17 November.

Full details of the research are available on the Charities Regulator’s website.