€107K Fund Provided To Mitigate Flooding In Cashel’s Coopers Lot


The Office of Public Works is to provide funding of €107,100  in response to an application by Tipperary County Council’s application for funding under the Office of Public Works’ Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Scheme.

The application is in respect of the area near Cashel known as Coopers Lot, adjacent to the Cashel King Cormac’s GAA Grounds.

The funding of €107,100 is to cover proposed works which will include geomorphological analysis, site investigation works, hydrological modelling and a modelling assessment.

This funding is in addition to €67,500 already approved by the OPW for works at Cooper’s Lot earlier this year.

The purpose of the scheme is to provide funding to Local Authorities to undertake minor flood mitigation works or studies to address localised flooding and coastal protection problems within their administrative areas.

The scheme generally applies where a solution can be readily identified and achieved in a short time frame.