Planning Application Lodged At Tipperary County Council For a New Business Park In Tipperary Town


A portion of this building will be demolished to provide access to the site

A planning application has been lodged with Tipperary County Council for the delivery of a new business park in Tipperary town. The project is understood to be a private development and will see the construction of three buildings at the site on the Bansha Road. The location was previously used as a former restaurant and takeaway and includes significant land to the rear of the existing building, a portion of which is to be demolished. Five light industrial units are to be constructed in one block, while two other standalone industrial units are also planned for the location.

The new buildings will have a maximum height of 8.12m and will provide a total gross floor area of 1,749.4 The development will also include a new vehicular and pedestrian entrance to the site from the Bansha Road (N24) and internal access road with internal footpaths; car parking spaces including EV, accessible parking bays and bicycle parking stand; sliding gates; new boundary treatments; new signage on site; hard and soft landscaping and all associated site development works above and below ground.  

Tipperary County Council is to give a decision by June 26th on the planning application and submissions can be made until June 5th. The application is submitted in the name of Fitzgerald Partnership and the planning file reference number is 2360292.

Planning notice at the site on the Bansha Road – decision is due by June 26th this year