Tipperary County Council Roads section reports that work to prepare a Feasibility and Options report in respect of safety measures at the Barronstown Junction is underway.
A local group campaigning for road safety measures at the staggered junction held a further protest on Friday April 14th attended by approximately 16 people.
None of the local councillors attended, lead campaigner David Moloney says he received apologies from one Councillor.
Mr Moloney also reports that two devices have now been installed at the Junction to monitor traffic flow.
In a statement to Tipp Mid West Radio Tipperary County council says upgrading the N24 is it’s highest transport priority to be delivered by the new Cahir towards Oola N24 Road project.
The council accepts that “Barronstown Cross is a hazardous junction on the N24 which is still substandard despite some improvement works that were carried out in the past by Tipperary County Council.”
The Statement continues “it should be noted that it(Barronstown Cross) is not currently a High Collision Location (HD15) as defined by Transport Infrastructure Ireland.
There are currently 17 (HD15) High Collision Locations in Tipperary which are a higher priority for treatment / improvement.”
The Council says the Feasibility and Options Report will be submitted to TII in due course.
The statement from the council accepts the right of people to stage a protest but says “in doing so they should not endanger their safety or that of other road users”.