The Gaelic Players Association(GPA) Offer Support To Wexford Senior Hurler Lee Chin


The Gaelic Players Association(GPA) has offered full support to Wexford senior hurler Lee Chin following an incident during a match in Carrick on Suir on Saturday. Tipperary were playing Wexford in a charity fundraiser when a member of the public made a racist comment from the side-lines. The comment caused members of the Wexford team and other spectators to verbally challenge the spectator. The GPA says officials from Tipperary and Wexford GAA must investigate and deal with the individual accordingly and says such abuse has no place in sports or wider society. 

Cllr David Dunne Cathaoirleach of Carrick On Suir MD says the person involved has no connection to the Carrick Swans Club or the town of Carrick  and says the person involved  should face a lifetime ban from GAA activities.The incident has overshadowed the match which helped to raise funds for Ryan O’Dywer from nearby Ballyrichard. Mr O’Dwyer suffered life changing injuries in a car accident last year.  A Go Fund Me page is in place and can be found at the link  Ryan O’Dwyer Road to Recovery GoFundMe here.