Gender Equality Referendum Likely To Be Held In November


A referendum on gender equality is to be held later this year –  most likely in November.

The referendum will deal with Articles 40 and 41 of the constitution which include references to the role of the woman “within the home”.

This reference is to be deleted and replaced. 

The action follows a citizens assembly on Gender Equality which recommended the changes in 2021.

It was also recommended that the Constitution, which has been in place since 1937, should refer explicitly to gender equality and non-discrimination.

An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar says “For too long, women and girls have carried a disproportionate share of caring responsibilities, been discriminated against at home and in the workplace, objectified or lived in fear of domestic or gender-based violence.

The exact wording for consideration in the referendum will be published by the end of June.