Repairs for Roadway From Rossadrehid Funding Discussed In Tipperary Cahir Cashel MD


Funding for repairs to the roadway leading from Rossadrehid to the Water Treatment Plant, Coillte Woods and the Lake Muskry trailhead carpark was discussed at today’s Tipperary Cahir Cashel MD.  Councillor Michael Fitzgerald’s motion calling for extra funding to surface dress the road was considered by the Council Executive who stated that any works on the road should be funded under the Community Involvement Scheme – under this scheme landowners or residents on the roadway would have to contribute 15% of the costs of the repairs. 

The councillor argued for a special case to be made for this roadway given that Irish Water Vehicles and Forestry related vehicles were heavy and made extensive use of the road. Cllr Ann Marie Ryan supported the motion and also highlighted the importance of the roadway for tourists – Cllr Ryan also supported the idea of getting an estimate for the repairs to the roadway which is almost 5km in length and then finding the money to carry out repairs.  Cllr Marie Murphy sought clarity on whether the roadway was eligible for the Scheme as it was not a cul de sac roadway. Cllr Mairin McGrath shared that there was precedent for a scheme where Irish Water and Coillte paid the majority of the cost of repairs. The Council position is that the Community Involvement Scheme should be used to fund the works to ensure the Roads budget and the scheme operate as intended – the scheme is due to open for 2023 applications later this year.