Work Confirmed On New Local Area Development Plans For Roscrea, Nenagh, Clonmel And Thurles


Tipperary County Council have confirmed that work on new Local Area Development plans for Roscrea, Nenagh, Clonmel and Thurles is progressing. The plans are intended to run from 2024 to 2030.

The Roscrea Local Area Plan is ahead of the other three plans and Draft LAP for Roscrea is to be presented to the 9 councillors in the Thurles MD next month and then go out to public consultation.

A report summarising the submissions made in pre draft public consultations held before Christmas will be published for each of Thurles, Nenagh and Clonmel next month.  Officials from the Planning section of Tipperary Council expect to put Draft Development Plans for each town out for Public  Consultation by July of this year. The plans for each town are being updated following the adoption of a new County Development Plan last year.

Work will then begin on new Local Area Plans for Tipperary town, Carrick on Suir, Cashel and Templemore.  Cahir has already adopted an updated Local Area Plan.