Local Streetscape Enhancement Fund To Target Two Streets


Details of the Tipperary Town Streetscape Enhancement Scheme have been published by Tipperary County council.

The €100,000 scheme is targeted at the Main Street and Bank Place area of Tipperary town.

Property Owners or leasehold occupiers can apply for grant aid via the scheme under 8 different headings.

The maximum grant a building can secure is €8,000 – the rate of funding support is 70% but this increases to 80% if three or more adjacent properties make an application.

Funding of 100% is available for materials were direct labour is involved.

The application form is available on the council website or the council office and must be returned by November 8th.

Approval decisions will be made by November 30th and works must be completed by July 31 2023.

Works covered can include painting, decluttering shopfronts, new signage, improved lighting, improvements to window displays, installing traditional wooden signage, replacement of shopfront and measures to green entrances or terraces  with planting.