HSA Focuses On Quad Bike Safety At Ploughing


The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) stand at the National Ploughing Championships is focusing on the important safety regulations around quad bikes (ATVs), which include the introduction of compulsory helmet wearing and training for operators. The Authority will have a demonstration area which will showcase the safe use of quad bikes and have advice and guidance available on the new regulations which come into effect in November 2023. The demonstration of the safe use of quad bikes will be happening on the hour at the HSA stand. The HSA stand is located at Row 19, stand number 307 and will welcome any questions on farm safety and the latest quad bike Regulations.

Over the last ten years (2012- 2021) there have been 11 fatalities in agriculture involving quad bikes.

The HSA have also reported 1 further quad bike related fatality to date this year. This is out of the 10 reported work related fatalities to date on Irish farms in 2022.

Alongside the quad bike safety messaging the Authority has launched a new guide on The Safe Use of Chainsaws, which will be of particular interest to farmers, professional chainsaw contractors and forestry workers.

Last year, in 2021, the HSA reported 1 fatality relating to chainsaw use and reported  39 serious incidents/injury involving chainsaws over the past ten years across all sectors. However, this figure is likely to be higher due to low reporting of injuries.