Planning Lodged To Change Use Of Premise In Tipp Town

Tipperary County Council Civic Offices, Tipperary Town. Image © Tipp Mid West Radio

A planning application has been lodged for retention permission for alterations and permission for a change of use in respect of premises at 4 Bridge Street, Tipperary Town.

The application seeks a change of use from ground floor betting office (formerly Ladbrokes) to a café/Restaurant and from a rear annex store to a commercial kitchen.

Extensions to include an access staircase, welfare facilities and a new shopfront are also included in the application.

The premises is a protected structure on the Tipperary Register of Protected Structures (#84).

The property is described as being a Terraced three-bay three-storey house built circa 1860 with shopfront and separate access to upper floors.

It has a pitched slate roof with red brick chimneystack, cast-iron rainwater pipes and moulded brackets to the eaves.