Ballyporeen Fundraising To Support Community Projects


A fundraiser is underway to allow a community draw down major capital for a number of projects in Ballyporeen.

The Ballyporeen Community Council are hoping to raise 50,000 through a GoFund Me.

The community council and Scoil Teampall Toinne have teamed up to secure €311,289 for the development of a multi-Purpose astroturf pitch and the refurbishment of Old Boys National School.

The group has also submitted an application for a community park and walkway that would create a walking loop of the village and a beautiful community space.

The council says that for the grant to be drawn down, they need to raise a total of €50,322 (14%) in match funding.

The community council says this is an exciting time to have an opportunity to complete these community projects in a relatively short timeframe, getting first-class facilities for all while achieving the best value possible.

People who would like to donate can do so by clicking here.