ESB Are To Hire 1,000 New Staff Over The 3 Years


One thousand new staff are to be hired by the ESB over the next three years.

The new positions are a wide mix of skills as the agency seeks to expand the network, link in with independent energy producers via renewable sources and expand international supply links.

The new jobs are in areas such as information technology – Cyber specialists, Data Scientists and  project management, marine geologists.

Engineering with a focus on off shore wind and renewables, Human resources and  and Commercial Procurement, Accountants and Customer Service.

The company will also seek to recruit more graduates and apprentices. ESB Group employs approximately 8,000 people at present.

This jobs announcement follows the recent ESB Networks’ annual Apprentice Recruitment Campaign which will see up to 96 electrical apprentices start later this year, with the prestigious ESB Graduate Programme also commencing in September 2022.