Bansha Psychotherapist Gives Advice On Dealing With Exam Stress


A Bansha psychotherapist says a balanced approach is needed to get through the studying and exams period next month.

Donna Breen believes planning a study schedule will ensure that students will continue to get adequate nutrition and to avoid the need to snack.

Ms Breen is also encouraging students who find it difficult to sleep to try mediation, exercise or possibly write out your thoughts on a page before bed.

The local psychotherapist says it’s better to concentrate on a topic for 30 minutes to an hour and avoid sticking to a subject for hours.

Donna says there’s a change happening on the importance of going to college, many are now looking at apprentices or heading straight into the workforce as an option.

It follows a comment recently by the Higher Education Minister Simon Harris who believes there’s a “culture of snubbery about going to third level education.