Visitor Restrictions Eased in UHL as Patient Overcrowding Continues


University Hospital Limerick is to restore visiting on some inpatient wards with the exception of 1B, 1D and the trauma ward, which must remain closed under covid-19 outbreak management rules.

This comes amid stubbornly high numbers awaiting admission in the Limerick hospital.

There are 60 patients on trolleys in the Emergency Department today (Tuesday) according to latest figures from the INMO’s Trolley Watch.

28 further patients are in wards elsewhere in the hospital as overcrowding continues at the only acute hospital in the Mid West Region.

Elsewhere across the country, Tipperary University Hospital in Clonmel reports 25 patients on trolleys while Galway University Hospital reports 53.

St. Luke’s in Kilkenny has 21 patients on trolleys while 19 others are waiting to be admitted on a ward elsewhere in the hospital.

Nationally, there are 567 patients without a bed, 498 of these are in the ED while 98 are accommodated elsewhere in hospitals, according to the INMO.

Scheduled visiting slots will be utilised in UHL for one visitor per patient, in line with national guidance on infection prevention.

These are available on all wards and the Emergency Department, Acute Surgical Assessment Unit and the Acute Medical Assessment Unit.

The visits must be booked online.

UHL Hospital management says visiting restrictions are necessary to help keep all patients and staff safe, and to ensure that the hospital’s essential services can remain open at this time.

Visiting hours are from 2pm to 4pm and 6pm to 9pm every day with certain limited exceptions to the restrictions.