Redemptorists Priests Overwhelmed By Ukraine Appeal Collection


Redemptorists priests in Limerick are overwhelmed by the support they have received  in response to an appeal for aid for their Churches in Ukraine, Poland and Slovakia. A church collection last weekend raised €18,000 and that is without including all of the coins donated. Fr Seamus Enright says the church is helping people in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries as they seek sanctuary from the conflict.  Limerick Redemptorist  priest, Fr Noel Maher, a native of Doon  is today seeking to bring 27 boys from an orphanage out of Ukraine to safety.  Refugees in vehicles heading for the Polish border are facing 3 day delays in their vehicles without food or sanitation facilities. Members of the Redemptorist Community are moving from car to car in the queue to provide food and water and to take away rubbish.  Fr Enright says the Redemptorists will take donations by post or online at or by phone to their office in Limerick.  In Tipperary Town the appeal centred at the Happy Laundry on the Bansha Road is asking people not to donate any more clothing. The urgent need is for non-perishable food items, Medical supplies, Batteries and torches. The collection point has sent one van load already and another load is ready to be dispatched. The organisers are asking for no donations today or tomorrow as they cope with items on hand and will be ready to accept donations again on Wednesday.