Obituaries for Friday 31st July 2020


Flaherty Thomas, Deerpark Gardens, Cashel, Co. Tipperary and formerly of Ardrahan, Gort, Co. Galway. Funeral takes place on Saturday in St. John the Baptist Church, Cashel with burial after in Cormac’s Cemetery

Meagher Stephanie, Milltown, Dublin and late of Templemore, Co. Tipperary. Private funeral will take place at the Church of SS. Columbanus and Gall, Milltown at 10am on Saturday followed by burial at Shanganagh Cemetery.

McGill (nee Moore) Ina, Cashel Road, Tipperary. Funeral on Saturday 1st August. Family Mass in St. Michael’s Church, Tipperary Town at 2pm with burial in St. Michael’s Cemetery

Carey Margaret (nee Mulally), Glenwood, Newport, Co. Tipperary and formerly of Glenstal, Murroe. Arriving at the Holy Rosary Church, Murroe on Monday 3rd August for 11.30am Funeral Mass with burial after in Ballinure Cemetery

O’Leary Martin, Willesden, London and late of Newtown and Old Pallas, Co. Limerick. Cremation will take place in London

Ryan Denis, Brighton & Birminigham, England and late of Oola, Co. Limerick. Cremation will take place in Birminigham with burial in Brighton. Mass for the repose of his soul will be held in Oola at a later date