Spend At Our Lady’s In Cashel Referred To PAC


The Public Accounts Committee is to investigate a possible overspend amounting to €7 million at Our Lady’s Hospital in Cashel.

The matter was brought to the attention of the PAC by Deputy Mattie McGrath.

He maintains that despite the capital budget for the refurbishment of the hospital being €15 million, he is aware of two contracts of €10.15 million and €12.6 million, totaling more than €22 million and representing an overspend of €7 million.

He has asked the PAC to investigate the anomaly.

The Health Minister visited the hospital towards the end of last year to find that it does not house a single patient – which is was also a matter Deputy McGrath has alerted the PAC to.

Labour’s Alan Kelly also outlined how the hospital in Cashel is not being used, despite a considerable amount of money being spent on refurbishing it, and despite neighbouring South Tipperary General Hospital witnessing record levels of overcrowding this year.

The Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee has said that the clerk will write to the HSE for a response to the concerns expressed.