Taoiseach and Justice Minister visit Templemore today


Taoiseach Enda Kenny and the Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald were in Templemore today.  The Taoiseach took the opportunity to address, for the first time, the latest group of new recruits to enter the college since the recruitment ban was lifted.
In his speech, Mr Kenny spoke of the changing nature of modern policing and referred to the murder of Garda Adrian Donohue.  He said pledged the government’s continued commitment to invest in the force to meet the demands of the 21st century.

He also spoke of the high number of communities that have taken up the Text Alert scheme.  500 local groups are now operating the system, equating to more than 100,000 subscribers and resulting in an estimated 200,000 text messages a month being sent.
He also pledged that the college will not be closed again, with an intake of more recruits planned for later this year.