TD lobby Revenue for constituents


It has emerged that North Tipperary TD Michael Lowry was one of a number of TD’s who lobbied the Revenue Comissioners on behalf of the constituents.

In records released by Revenue it is noted that Mr Lowry lobbied repeatedly on behalf of one of his constituents.

Thoes representations were made to Revenue’s Mineral Oil prosecutiopn unit in relation to a man who was fined for illegally using green diesel.  Mr Lowry claimed that the man unknowingly used the diesel in question.

That fine was subsequently reduced by Revenue.

However, Mr Lowry is reported to have lobbied further for more of a reduction.

In response to the revelations Revenue said that any decision it made in relation to any of the cases referred to were made independently of any political pressure.

Other politicians who also made representations to Revenue on behalf of their constituents included Co Limerick TD and Fianna Fail Justice Spokesperson Niall Collins as well as the Taoiseach Enda Kenny and the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Brendan Howlin