Protests Continue Outside Racket Hall Until Government Delivers On Supports


Protests outside Rackett Hall Hotel are to continue in Roscrea until the Government delivers on an adequate support package for the town.

Independent Councillor Shane Lee says the residents of Roscrea want to see what proposal will come forward from the Government following last week’s announcement that extra supports are to be given to ten locations accommodating large numbers of refugees and asylum seekers.

The Roscrea group has not submitted a list of demands as Cllr Lee says the Department was informed of which services are under pressure in Roscrea at a meeting last October.

The community is also angry at the Government’s handling of the hotel in Roscrea as the community has been left without a venue for events and functions such as the Roscrea GAA club dinner dance and funerals.

The proposal by the government to purchase a vacant hotel in the town centre for the community is yet to be fully outlined.

Cllr Lee says any asylum seekers arriving at Racket Hall this week will not face any difficulty in accessing the building.

The protestors outside the hotel are to establish a committee to coordinate its actions. An estimated 2,000 people attended a march on Saturday from the Rackett Hall Hotel to the town centre.  

Cllr Lee is also welcoming funding of €3.5M confirmed for the delivery of the Roscrea Reach project  – a digital work hub and ETB training facility which has been under discussion for over 7 years.