Blood Donors Encouraged To Attend Clinics In Cashel & Cahir


The Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) is seeking 15,000 new donors in 2024 to ensure the stability of the National Blood Supply. The demand for blood is constant and on any given day 200 patients receive transfusions in Irish hospitals. The service supplies blood products 365 days a year including blood and platelets for transfusion to hospitals over the Christmas and New Year holiday period. 

To urgently replenish these stocks, the IBTS is urging existing and new donors please to give a priceless gift this New Year, the gift of blood, “says IBTS Director of Donor Services and Logistics, Paul McKinney.

The Irish Blood Transfusion Service is appealing for blood donors for clinics in Cahir today and Cashel tomorrow.  The Cahir Clinic is located in the Cahir House Hotel and appointments are available between 4.50pm and 8.10pm.

The Clinic in Cashel tomorrow also offers similar appointment slots between 4.50pm and 8.10pm. The Cashel Clinic is being held in Halla Na Feile.

Anyone wishing to make an appointment to donate blood is asked to call 1 800 731 137.

On January 31st there will be a blood donation clinic at Newport Community Centre with clinics planned for Nenagh and Thurles in early February. Further information is available on

New donors and donors with D negative blood types that is A, B and O negative (the Universal blood group) are in high demand and Mr McKinney is asking people who have not donated before to please consider starting this year and make it their New Year’s resolution to become a blood donor. An appeal is also being made to people of African Heritage to become blood donors, which will help us to diversify the donor pool and better match blood for specific patients.