Senator Aherne Hopeful That Cashel Garda Station Will Be Open More Often After Renovations


A Tipperary Fine Gael Senator is hopeful that Cashel Garda station will be open more often following the refurbishment.

Work is currently underway at the building on Hogan Square with a temporary station set up in the town.

The station is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1.30pm to 4pm and from 8am to 1.30pm on Fridays

Senator Garret Aherne accepts the need for more Gardaí and says there’s an optical comfort in having a Garda station open in a town or village.

In particular for a town like Cashel where a high volume of tourists visit during the summer months, need to see more Garda presence on the streets.

Senator Aherne says when you speak to local businesses they tell you the crime and anti social behaviour is on the increase in recent years, adding that other town are dealing with similar issues.