Doon Men’s Shed On Collision Course With It’s Landlord Ballyhoura Rural Services


Doon Men’s Shed is on a collision course with it’s landlord Ballyhoura Rural Services as the property owner wants the group to vacate the premises no later than November 24th.

The Men’s Shed are currently based in a building that is part of the former school adjacent to the former convent in Doon and are adamant that they will stay and reject the alternatives proposed by Ballyhoura Rural Services.

Both parties have exchanged documentation that contain a number of options as to a location for the Men’s Shed which serves 54 members.

Ballyhoura Rural services says it is not possible for the Men’s Shed to remain on site as a project to develop a “Mother and Child Reconciliation Project” at the property is “now progressing at speed”.

The lease between the parties expires on November 24th and a lease termination notice has been sent to the Men’s Shed.

Ballyhoura Rural Services says while it has no obligation to provide space to the Men’s Shed Group it remains sympathetic to their situation and proposes a working group and/or a mediator to find a solution that satisfies both parties.

Ballyhoura Rural Services is also redeveloping the former convent building to deliver a mix of 23 one and two bedroom apartments aimed at persons aged over 50 and offering lifetime tenancies.