Tipperary Garda Recommend Review OF Speed Limit On The R515 Emly Road Near Shronell National School


Tipperary Garda have recommended that Tipperary County Council review the speed limit in place on the R515 Emly road near Shronell National School. Garda used a marked patrol car to conduct a speed checkpoint for 15 minutes on February 2nd. During the speed checkpoint the maximum speed detected was 78 km/hour – the road has an existing limit of 80 km/hr. The checkpoint took place between 8.40am and 8.55am.

The Garda report also confirms that during the visit in February, the School Ahead warning signs were visible and in working order – the report also noted that the road itself is in good condition.

The Garda report highlighted that parents were observed dropping children to school and then turning their vehicles on the road, which it says could cause a serious traffic collision. The report, compiled by Acting Superintendent John O’Connell, says consideration should be given to the introduction of rumble strips as a speed calming measure. Acting Supt O’Connell is also concerned that there is no off road car-parking facilities available resulting in parents pulling up on the side of the road causing an additional traffic concern. The only solution identified in the report is that land be acquired to facilitate traffic and pedestrian egress.

The school management has been seeking actions similar to those outlined in the report for several months. It is understood that the report is to be sent to the school by Tipperary County Council. The report has also been circulated to all local councillors.