High Turnout For Switching On Of Cashel Christmas Lights


A huge crowd turned out to see the Christmas lights being switched on in Cashel this evening.

Locals were entertained with music from the St. Patrick’s Brass Band and the Dr. O Hurley Pipe Band.

Our Elf was eagerly awaiting the switching of the Christmas Lights

Cashel Chamber says there’s been invested in new Christmas lights for Friar Street and Ladies Well, and in an impressive 32-foot Christmas tree, which will be the centre piece of the Cashel Plaza over the festive season.

WOW 32 foot Christmas tree in Cashel’s Plaza

Before the lights were turned on just after 5pm, the crowd were treated to decorated and well lit tractors who were making their way to New Inn and then onto Cahir.

The Cashel Chamber would like to acknowledge the generous ongoing support of the Cashel Christmas lights from the Businesses of Cashel and also from Tipperary County Council.

This week Tipp Mid West Radio launched our Buy Local, Support A Community – the aim is to encourage people to buy local this festive season.

There was a great buzz in Cashel town today, here’s a selection of shops in the town: