Water Leak Remains Unrepaired For Weeks In Tipp Town


Residents on Fr Matthew Street report that a leak on the Main Street has gone unrepaired for weeks despite notifying Irish Water.

Water can be seen flowing up from the centre of the street and making it’s way to a grate to enter the waste water system.

Irish water have marked the leak.   Before Irish Water can begin work on water pipes on roads  they are required to apply to the council for a licence to open the road.

Tipp Mid West Radio has sought a response from Irish Water.

Separately Irish Water has also confirmed that notice was given for planned works yesterday in the Lacey Villas, O’Brien Street, Galbally road area by means of a notice on it’s website.

The works were part of the National Leakage Reduction Programme.

Some local business owners had complained about the lack of advance notice that the works were taking place.

Customers that got direct text alerts were sent details in respect of works in Kilkenny.