Final Engagement For Taoiseach Leo Varadkar Today In Northern Ireland


The Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, is in Northern Ireland today for his final official engagement to attend a meeting of the North South Ministerial Council.  The Taoiseach is to visit Aras an Uachtaráin at approximately 6pm this evening to tender his resignation to President Michael D. Higgins.   

The Dáil will meet tomorrow morning to vote on nominations for Taoiseach with Simon Harris, the new leader of Fine Gael, expected to be elected as Taoiseach. Mr Harris will then visit Aras an Uachtaráin for a ceremony in the State Reception Room where the President will sign the Warrant of Appointment and hand the Seal of the Taoiseach and the Seal of Government to the Taoiseach.

The newly appointed Taoiseach will then return to the Dáil and announce his cabinet appointments in respect of Departments held by Fine Gael members. The newly appointed Ministers will then attend a meeting with the President to receive their respective Seals of Office.   A full gathering of all Ministers is to take place with the President  to acknowledge the new Executive in the Coalition Government. Mr Harris pledged over the weekend that there will not be a snap General Election and that the Government will run it’s full lifetime until Spring 2025.