No Sunday Mass In Kilfeacle Church After Oil Tank Tampered With


There was no Sunday Mass in Kilfeacle Church yesterday as the church oil tank had been tampered with on Saturday night disabling the heating system.

Parish Priest Fr Pat Coffey decided that in the circumstances there would be a 10-minute prayer service with Communion instead of Mass.

Fr. Pat Coffey apologised to everyone who had gathered for Mass and in particular to those families who had come to the Church in remembrance of anniversaries and recent bereavements.

Those intentions will be included in next weekend’s Mass intentions. 

Fr. Coffey wished well to whoever had tampered with the oil tank, saying they probably needed it more than the church but adds it was an unfortunate happening that just causes further upset to families seeking to remember their loved ones in the Community’s Mass.

Garrydoolis National School also suffered from the same type of crime last Wednesday night but found that goodwill and kindness will always prevail.

Support from a neighbouring plumber, donations from the Lee brothers at Centra, Pallasgreen, and individual families mean that the school will have heating this week.

Expertise shared by some of the parents around upgraded security measures has also been put into effect. The Oil tank in Garrydoolis had only been filled on Monday January 8th .

The Board of Management of Garrydoolis N.S. are appalled by this theft and say CCTV footage is currently with Gardaí.