EGM Planned To Discuss Potential Future Development Of Old Nissen Hut In Cashel


There is a very important EGM meeting planned for Larkspur Park, Cashel at 8pm this evening, about the potential future development of the old Nissen Hut.

Larkspur is an important leisure facility for the town, and has seen huge development in the past decade.

The Park’s Central development committee has been working hard progressing the long-awaited refurbishment of our “Nissen Hut” Clubhouse.

Design proposals are now available for members to view online at the club website and tonight’s meeting will feature a presentation and a decision taken whether to proceed with the redevelopment project.

If there is support for this project the club will proceed to apply for planning, seek funding opportunities, tender the project and agree on a development timeframe.

The Club are asking people to make their views known  via  email to [email protected] or send a What’s App message to the club phone _085_2545561_

It is intended to transform the Hut into a comfortable, inviting club-house and meeting space for members.

These plans aim to maintain the existing character of the building and respect its central role in the club’s history.

The new club house will be more functional with improved access for people with disability, better toilet facilities, a modern kitchen, better storage and a comfortable lounge area. Full length windows and sliding doors will improve the view and access to a veranda overlooking the tennis courts.   The club will be insulated and warm with facilities to encourage members to socialise when not playing sport.  The proposed covered veranda area will provide enhanced viewing of the tennis courts while also having ample space for the refreshment stands.