Cashel Bakery Served Prohibition Order By FSAI


A prohibition order was served to a bakery in Cashel last month by the Food Safety Authority.

A Environmental Health Services official carried out an inspection at the Bakehouse, 7 Main Street in the town on November 15th.

The Food Hygiene Inspection Report outlines the order was issue due to the inadequate temperature control measures for high risk foods.

A number of products were withdrawn including 1 cream cake – fresh cream gateaux, 4 Chocolate éclair – fresh, cream filled, and 5 Jam doughnuts – fresh cream filled.

The inspector also commented on the uncertainty of the conditions under which the food was produced and stored.

A Prohibition Order is issued if the activities (handling, processing, disposal, manufacturing, storage, distribution or selling food) involve or are likely to involve a serious risk to public health from a particular product, class, batch or item of food.