Motion Published By Regional Group Of TDs Expressing Concern Regarding Challenges Facing An Garda Síochán


The Regional Group of TDs, of which Tipperary TD Deputy Michael Lowry is a member, has today published a Motion expressing severe concerns regarding the ongoing challenges faced by An Garda Síochána. The Motion calls for an immediate review of the current Garda Síochána force with the engagement of all stakeholders. It calls for this Review to be chaired by An Taoiseach and recommendations be made within 12 weeks.

The Regional Group wants the Review to immediately address declining morale within the force and the issues around retention, the mandatory retirement age of 60 years, recruitment, transfers, rostering, entry-level pay and the need to improve work practices’ says Deputy Lowry. Noting that members of the Garda Representative Association overwhelmingly voted No Confidence in the Force’s most senior officer, the Garda Commissioner Drew Harris, other concerns raised by the Regional Group of TDs are the chronic shortage of resources and technology, lack of confidence in leadership and personnel issues within An Garda Síochána. The Dáil group say these issue impact on the ability of Gardaí to perform it’s role.  The Group also wants mandatory custodial sentences for the criminal action of purposefully causing injury to a Garda.

In their motion, the Regional Group TDs note the role of Community Policing in building solid relationships, fostering cooperation and proactively addressing local concerns and now want a baseline per capita Garda figure in each county to ensure that certain areas in the State are not “under-policed.”