Local Communities Experiencing Water Disruption Following Repair Works


Some local communities are experiencing disruption to water supplies today due to burst mains pipes and Mains Repair works undertaken as part of the National Leakage Reduction Programme.

Repairs to a burst water main may cause supply disruptions to Oola, Fortyacres, Cullen and surrounding areas.  Works are scheduled to take place until 4pm today. 

A burst main is also causing an outage for residents and businesses in Emly, the Knocklong Road, Hospital Road, Duncummin, Rodus, Glenbane and surrounding areas.   Crews are now working to have supply restored as soon as possible.

As part of the National Leakage Reduction Programme, mains repair works may cause supply disruptions to Dualla Road, Hughes-Lot East and surrounding areas today. Works are scheduled to take place from 11am until 4pm.  A traffic management plan will be in place for the duration of the works.

Updates can be found on the website water.ie or by contacting Uisce Eireann by phoning 1800 278 278. This service operates 24 hours daily.