Sinn Feins Calls On Lowry To Back Legislation To Extend Eviction Ban

Martin Browne, TD (Sinn Fein)

Sinn Féin TD for Tipperary Martin Browne has said that Independent TD Michael Lowry must back Sinn Féin’s legislation to extend the eviction ban or he will be responsible for making more of his Tipperary constituents homeless. Deputy Lowry supported the Government decision to lift the eviction ban in return for 8 new elements of housing policy proposed by the Regional Independents Group being accepted by the government.

Sinn Féin has now brought forward a bill that, if passed, would force the government to reverse its decision to end the eviction ban with a clause allowing evictions where the owner wishes to live in the property. The bill will be voted on by TDs later this week. Deputy Browne is calling on all TDs including Deputy Michael Lowry to support the bill. Deputy Browne is adamant that the ban on evictions should not be lifted as there is insufficient emergency accommodation in place for those affected.

The Dáil is to debate a Labour motion of No confidence in the Government tomorrow morning in response to the decision to lift the eviction ban on April 1st.