Progress On N24 Cahir-Waterford Upgrade Preferred Transport Solution Hits Delay


Progress on the N24 Road upgrade between Waterford to Cahir has been delayed. In an update published on the project website the publication of the preferred transport solution has been put back to the end of the year. It had been due to be published by the end of June.

The Project Liaison Officer (PLO) is continuing to work with landowners to agree access to facilitate the completion of the preliminary ground investigation works at present. Kilkenny County Council and Tipperary County Council say they appreciate the co-operation being shown by landowners in allowing access to their lands for these works. These works are due to be completed in April 2023. The available options will be assessed to identify the best performing Option or combination of Alternatives to be presented as the Preferred Transport Solution before the end of the year. Full details are available on the project website here

Tipperary County Council is leading the Cahir to Limerick section of the N24 upgrade project and a planning application for this project is expected to be submitted next year.