Christmas Lights Will Go Ahead In Cashel This Year


Christmas lights will be going ahead in Cashel according to the Chamber of Commerce.

The President says the tendering process is just being finalised and it’s hoped the lights will be switched on, on the last Friday of November.

Martin Lynch says to tackle the high cost of electricity the light will be on for a total of 5 weeks instead of the usual 7 weeks.

The festive lights will also be on for a shorter amount of time per night.

Mr Lynch says currently electricity company are not offering a fixed price however the putting up of the lights will be a fixed price for the next 3 years.

The local Chamber is encouraging people to shop local.

Christmas lights will be provided in most communities across county Tipperary despite the pressures of rising energy costs and inflation.

Thurles Municipal District has confirmed that Christmas lights will be provided in Thurles, Templemore and Roscrea.

The planned turn on date for Thurles is December 9th and the lights will run until January 6th.

To save energy costs the lights in Thurles will be timed to come on at 4.30pm and go off at 11.30pm.

Similar arrangements are expected for Templemore and Roscrea.

Nenagh MD council has also confirmed that it will be providing Christmas Lights.

Cahir Town is expected to have festive lighting – the lights are funded by the Business Community and a GoFundMe page will also be used to gather extra resources.

Cllr Andy Moloney says the lighting will be tailored to the budget available and will be turned off early to reduce costs possibly at 9.30pm and may only be provided until December 31st.

Carrick on Suir Business Community has also confirmed that Christmas lighting will be provided supported by the business community and a €2000 Festival Grant.

It is understood that Tipperary Town Chamber has issued a notice to it’s members advising that it will not be providing Christmas lights this year.

The reasons given are a weak financial position, the Chamber does not wish to ask businesses to donate and the likely high costs to provide lights due to increased prices for electricity.

The Chamber Committee also told it’s members that the personnel that had helped with Christmas Lights in previous years are not available this year.

However some interest has been expressed in taking over the project and TMWR understands a meeting is to be held next week.

Clonmel Borough District says that the lights for the town are traditionally provided by the business community and their plans have yet to be finalised.

The council will provide all of the elements that it has traditionally supported – such as grants to the festive lighting, Christmas Santa Parade, Events at the Civic areas including the Library and Museum,  a Best Dressed Christmas Window Competition, Christmas Trees in several areas and Promotional events on three Saturdays in December.