McGrath Calls For Urgent Action To Deal With Rural Crime

A burglar
Stock image of a burglar breaking into a premises. ©

Independent TD Mattie McGrath is calling for the establishment of a taskforce to address the prevalence of intimidation and crime impacting rural communities.

Deputy McGrath called for extra resources to be provided for the Gardaí to clamp down on criminal activities including lamping and hunting that currently have a what he called a “devastating” impact on rural communities.

Deputy McGrath spoke of a recent incident in Clonmel that saw a young farmer being assaulted by a gang, with Gardaí not receiving adequate support to prevent and deal with such instances.

Addressing the Dáil yesterday Deputy McGrath said: That extra resources are needed in Clonmel to protect the community and the Garda personnel.

Deputy McGrath said there were groups intimidating families, with instances of lamping which is illegal and hunting rabbits and hares unmuzzled, which is also illegal.

He told the Dáil farm families felt intimidated by the presence of people[U1] on their property especially at night.

In response the Justice Minister did not make any direct commitment in respect of Clonmel but pointed to ongoing Garda Recruitment and the plans for a 1,000 additional Garda next year as announced in the Budget.