Manager Sought for Mural Programme in Co. Tipp Town


A manager, agent or consortium is being sought to curate and manage a murals programme in Tipperary Town.

A request for tenders has been published on the e-tenders website and the tender is open for applications until 5pm on April 12th.

Tipperary Town Revitalisation Task Force published the request and it is looking to develop a public art programme throughout the summer of 2022 to drive awareness and interest in the sector, enhance the public spaces in Tipperary Town and build community wellbeing.

Engagement with disadvantaged and hard to reach communities will be a central aspect of the programme.

Key themes for the murals are likely to be Culture and Heritage, Nature and Biodiversity, Music and Sport, while four suitable walls have been identified in the Town centre for mural installation.

A further community wall will feature in a less prominent location in the town as part of the programme.

It is envisaged that the programme will begin with workshops throughout May/June 2022, while the mural installations will take place from July 2022.

It is also planned that the artists for the murals will be a mix of local and national, as well as international.