No Co Tipp Projects Feature In €850,000 Regeneration Funds


Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys has today announced over €850,000 in funding to support 19 rural regeneration projects across the country.

This particular strand makes funding of up to €50,000 available to local authorities to assist them to contribute to a pipeline of significant, well-developed projects which will subsequently progress to construction stage with the help of more investment in the future.

There were no projects in county Tipperary included in the list.  €50,000 was allocated towards the development of the Bruree Masterplan including the De Valera Museum and Bruree Heritage Centre in Bruree, County Limerick  The De Valera Museum and Bruree Heritage Centre is dedicated to Eamon de Valera [1882-1975], former president of Ireland and one of the country’s most famous statesmen.

It houses a unique collection of his personal belongings as well as a wide range of articles which record life in Bruree in the early 20th century. This visitor centre is located where Eamonn de Valera grew up. The cottage in which he lived is now preserved and the national school he attended houses a museum dedicated to his memory.