Thousands of Submissions to Eirgrid Pylon Plan


The number of submissions received by Eirgrid over its plans to install a network of large pylons across the country had run into thousands by the time its period of public consultation ended last night.

The State utility which is responsible for the national electricity grid had set yesterday as the deadline for submissions on its Grid Link project, a €500 million scheme that will create a high voltage link between Leinster and Munster carried on overhead lines involving an estimated 750 pylons.

An Eirgrid spokesman said last night it was still too early to state how many submissions had been received by the 5 pm deadline but it was “in the order of thousands”

Some 1,500 had come from individuals through a single website, a spokesman for the site said.

The site represents some 65 local groups opposed to overhead cables and pylons passing through their localities. The grounds cited range from health issues, to visual and scenic intrusion, to the impact pylons and nearby overhead lines will have on tourism and property prices.