Community Events in Tipperary


An evening of Classical Music Song and Verse will be held  in St Mary's Church Tipperary on Sat April 13th at 8o'c in aid of the  Restoration of St Mary's Church Tipperary  Tickets €10.  Featuring Emma Walsh (suprano) Trevor Selby Organist, Ryan Sisters winners of R.T.E.  "Feis & Blood" Staff of Limerick School of Music and the Tipperary Singers. Tickets available at Kingston Shoes Tipperary town.

A public meeting will be held on Thursday 11th April at 7.30pm at the Excel Centre Tipperary in connection with Tipperary Festival.   All welcome  

Meals on Wheels Churchgate collection will be held on  13th & 14th April at all Masses in Tipperary

Donohill Community Alert all parishioners must have their application forms completed and returned by Mon April 15th

Friends of Tipperary Football Fun Cycle in aid of Tipperary County Football Teams will be held  Sat 20th April Entry fee €20 or Sponsorship Card Contact Tommy 086 6084761 Eamon 087 2333145 and Eddie 087 264 5071. email [email protected]

Tipperary Regional Youth Service 8 KM Fun run takes place Sun 28th April. Start point the Market Y ard 11am registration will be on the day from 10am. Entry €10 to run or walk €5 for u18's

The story of Joe Dolan in words and music on Sat 4th May in Dundrum House Hotel.  This is a fundraising event for Tipperary Mid West Radio Tickets €20 available at Radio Station 06252555, Jerry's One Stop Shop Bank Place Tipperary Town and Noel Fahy's Footwear Cashel